2953 Edinger Ave
Tustin, CA 92780
(949) 733-0044
for emergencies call 911
Tustin, CA 92780
for emergencies call 911
Each year in California there are over 20,000 brain-injuries and 16,000 strokes. Most of these people are not given the proper treatment.
High Hopes Head Injury Program started in 1975, and was the first non-profit charitable brain-injury rehabilitation program in the country. We are dedicated to helping the brain-injured community to recover their lives.
High Hopes serves individuals who have suffered brain-injuries, strokes, and the MS population. High Hopes has an outstanding success record of achieving results far above expectations! We do not give up on anyone but rather find successful solutions helping each person regain their life.
High Hopes is here to serve you!
Ron is fighting to kick MS
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HIGH HOPES HEAD INJURY PROGRAM is a nationally recognized, one of a kind program dedicated to helping brain injured individuals to recover their lives. High Hopes is the first program of its kind in the country and we are looking forward to helping you and your family. The goal of HIGH HOPES is to provide comprehensive rehabilitation services for the head injured leading to maximum independence for the individual within the community at a low cost. We provide adult services to those who meet the entrance criteria.
Update on Victor.
Victor gave away his wheelchair.
Now he only uses a cane to walk!
Congratulations Victor!
Another miracle happened at High Hopes!
Marie Harris suffered a stroke and many of her doctors told her she would never be able to walk again. Then, she found High Hopes. She travels an hour and a half every day to get the stroke recovery treatment she couldn’t find anywhere else.
Now Marie is walking, and her improvement is astounding. When we asked Marie about High Hopes, she replays, “It’s worth the trip.”
We think so. Thanks, Marie for your hard work.
Ron had lost hope of regaining any of his life.
He has Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
In 2014 the journey began. Ron has made tremendous improvements!
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