2953 Edinger Ave
Tustin, CA 92780
(949) 733-0044
for emergencies call 911
The concert is on Sunday, July 17, 2022 at the Hyatt Regency Newport Beach in California. Eric Marienthal volunteers his time year after year to headline this intimate concert. The night includes a VIP, pre-concert dinner with Eric Marienthal and the evening’s special guest performers…
High Hopes is proud to have helped hundreds of people with traumatic brain injuries recover their lives. We have witnessed many miracles.
Eric Marienthal and Friends Sponsorship Opportunity CELEBRATING THE…
Bob Saget, the comedian and actor, died after what appeared to be a significant blow to the head, one that fractured his skull in several places and caused bleeding across both sides of his brain, according to an autopsy report released on Friday. The findings complicated the picture of Mr. Saget’s death that has emerged in recent days: Far from a head bump that might have been shrugged off, the autopsy described an unmistakably serious set of injuries that would at the very least have probably left someone confused, brain experts said. The report, prepared by Dr. Joshua Stephany, the chief medical examiner of Orange and Osceola counties in Florida, ascribed Mr. Saget’s injuries to a fall. “It is most probable that the decedent suffered an unwitnessed fall backwards and struck the posterior aspect of his head,” Dr. Stephany wrote, referring to the back of the skull.
Update on Victor. Victor gave away his wheelchair. Now he only uses a cane to walk! Congratulations Victor! Another miracle happened at High Hopes!
Marie Harris suffered a stroke and many of her doctors told her she would never be able to walk again. Then, she found High Hopes. She travels an hour and a half every day to get the stroke recovery treatment she couldn't find anywhere else. Now Marie is walking, and her improvement is astounding. When we asked Marie about High Hopes, she replays, "It's worth the trip." We think so. Thanks, Marie for your hard work.
Ron had lost hope of regaining any of his life. He has Multiple Sclerosis (MS). In 2014 the journey began. Ron has made tremendous improvements!
High Hopes is unique! We are actually getting improvements in each of our MS students. We see outstanding results. All are regaining abilities thought lost forever due to do their Multiple Sclerosis. We are looking to help many more people with MS. Come have a tour of High Hopes and see the difference we are making!